Athletics Logos

Prior Review Required for Items Using the Humboldt Brand

Use of University or Athletics logos is subject to licensing and trademark guidelines. 

Before you place an order, Marketing & Communications must review the use of any logos that are printed on clothing or giveaways, such as (but not limited to) water bottles, mugs, and pens. This review is required to ensure appropriate use and consistency with the brand standards. 

Contact Marketing & Communications at
or (707) 826-3321.

Get All Athletics Logos

Download all Logos

Primary Athletics Logo

Primary Horizontal Athletics Logo

Humboldt Athletics Email Signatures

Below you will find 2 example signatures for Gmail. Feel free to copy and paste the signature into your email or Gmail signature. The styles and formatting will be copied and then you can change the text to your contact info. Please make sure that any links you put into your signature start with https:// to avoid your emails being marked as spam.

First Last
Job Title
(707) 826-0000
First Last
Job Title
(707) 826-0000

Approved Vendors

Below is a google sheet with our approved vendors. This file is updated once a month so do not download the file.

Approved Vendor List